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"Shed Skin"


60 x 108 inches

Spray Paint on Canvas

"Shed Skin" was one of the most important pieces of my art career. 


After I quit drinking, I went on many voyages to find myself and figure out where my darkness came from. 


After sitting in a spiritual ceremony one time, I closed my eyes. With my eyes closed, I looked down and seen my body as a serpent. My scales were ashy, black and white and old. All of the sudden, my skin cracked down the middle and that skin ripped apart and started to come off. Slipping out of the skin, I came out with radiant new skin. It was vibrant, colorful and glowing with life! 


I asked my shaman about the message and he told me that I'm currently shedding the skin that no longer serves me. 


So, I painted it. This is a self portrait in a sense. The king cobra. His evolved version.

There are many little gems hidden all throughout the serpents body, the most important one is the message on his torso. 


"It's only when you shed the skin that no longer serves you, that you start walking your divine path"

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